January, you survived it!

The end of January, a day of rejoicing. We made it! What always seems like the longest, greyest, skintest month is finally over. Did you get through it ok? Did you manage to stick to any resolutions, goals or plans that you made? If you did then well done! If you didn’t then so what, you can start again tomorrow, or even today.

I started 2019 with a very specific list of goals, by the end of the year i had achieved almost none of them. I ended the year feeling as if I had let myself down and hadn’t moved forward at all. I blamed it on getting a puppy, that this little thing had somehow put me off track and made me lose months of my life (any parents reading this will be laughing now, just so you know I think you are all super heroes, and single parents?? How the hell do you survive? I’m in awe of you!) When I really reflected however it was all down to me, to my mindset, to my habits, to the 3000 tabs that were constantly open and to this list of specific goals that left me feeling constantly deflated when they weren’t achieved. By the end of the year I was in a bit of fog feeling like I was constantly taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back, I wasn’t depressed or anything to that extent but just felt a bit stuck and unmotivated. I had became a netflix and chill person (in a very literal sense!) accompanied by endless scrolling, which generally started as a search for something useful or relatable but ended up with feelings of comparisons or worse, just numb scrolling not even taking much in.

So 2020 is going to be different, less specifics and less ego bashing. More focus, more creativity, more learning and more of being tuned in to the things that make me feel most alive. More nature, more laughter, more speaking up, more taking risks and more believing that they will be worth it! Back in a positive headspace and inspiring others to be the same. If you’re reading this then please hold me accountable! Challenge me and make sure I’m continuing with my choices and if I can help you with yours then just let me know!

Arlene xx

Arlene Conroy